Take a closer look at Amadeus Discover in a few minutes

Is Amadeus Discover a tool for you ?

To discover that, we can organize a quick demo to show you how to use this tool and know more about the benefits.


Discover how this demo can be useful for you

  1. You will be able to better understand the different use cases that Amadeus Discover offers.
  2. We will be able to show you how to create your account and use simply the tool.
  3. We will be able to answer to all your questions.

We can adapt our time for the demo according to your constraints. We recommend between 15 and 30 minutes for a first demo. This will allow us to take the time to show you the different use cases and answer all your questions. This demo can be done by video-conference at your convenience.

In order to use Amadeus Discover, you don’t necessarily need to attend a demo, you can follow the tutorial to create your account and selections! We are still here if you have any questions.